Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October Routine Revamp

Well, I can't believe it's October already. A lot of us have had almost a whole month of school. Now is the time for a major reflection. Think about the routines and systems in your classroom both for your students and for you.

  • Is homework coming in to the designated place you've assigned (inbox) or is that place not working because of location or lack of routine?
  • Do students have time twice daily for you to check their agendas?
  • Do you have time to keep on top of planning and marking?
  • Are the resources that you have for you and for your students in logical places that are easily accessible?
  • Are your daily and weekly routines working out?
Now is a great time to tweak your routines, organization, placement of items, and systems.

Please comment or send your questions to me at

Have great day!

Valerie :)

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